... I really am a gimp. :P
... And that I feel really uncomfortable being able to see myself while talking to the camera.
... And that I edited this video really badly. (Sorry!)
... And that I'm also a dork, nerd, and a big huge geek!
Yeah, so this is my vlog for my book loot from Christmas. (At last!) As I said, it's not the best quality and it's not very well edited.
I'm also not the most comfortable person in the world with myself so I try to make up for this by giggling at stupid things.
It wouldn't surprise me if I lost a ton of followers after this! hehe
Drinking game: Take a shot every time Ceri says, 'Yeah' 'So...' or plays with her hair. (Please excuse the latter - it's become a nervous twitch :P )
WARNING: Don't watch this with your children in the room. There's one swear right at the beginning. (Oops!)
Part One
Part Two

Books featured:
- Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
- The Blonde Geisha by Jina Bacarr
- My Invented Life by Lauren Bjorkman
- Diary of a Chav: Trainers V. Tiaras by Grace Dent
- There's Probably No God: The Atheist's Guide to Christmas edited Ariane Sherine
- Nightlight: A Parody by The Harvard Lampoon
- New Moan by Stephfordy Mayo
- The Ode Less Travelled by Stephen Fry
- No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs by John Lydon 'Johnny Rotten'
Two days after Christmas, I went into Waterstones and found Ancient Gonzo Wisdom: Interviews with Hunter S. Thompson for half price!

In hardback too! There was no way I was going to let that go to waste so that was my Christmas present to myself. :)
wow! great vlogs! I had been pronouncing 'Ceri' wrong all this time lol.
I like your accent and you look adorable. lol about the Blonde Geisha book!
I didnt know there were Twilight parodies out there...lol.
Happy reading. oh my gosh, I used to love 21 jump street...lol.
Your boyfriend is right! You should never give up on dreams. I loved your vlog. I thought it was very interesting and it was lovely to hear and see you. I don't think I am brave enough to do it myself. Can't wait for the next one.
This is awesome. I love that you got the first book out of the way first because of me. :D You crack me up.
LMAO! I LOVE this!! I loved seeing you and had to laugh at you staring at yourself in the camera, fluffing your hair. Too funny. If it makes you feel any better, we sat around and watched American football all New Year's...
Congrats on the book loot! It looks like you got a fab haul, even if you don't celebrate Christmas. ;-)
Lots of love! And Happy New Year!
Ceri, it's youuuuu! :D
LOL, I love how you said, "and they lied!" in hushed tones. Memoirs of a Geisha is a great book :) I learned a lot about that culture too... Oh, twilight parodies! There's another one (and I can't remember the title, of course) and it has the characters Edweird and Stella, hah. Have you ever read The Host by Stephenie Meyer though? I promise you it delivers a MUCH BETTER story than the twilight saga. I used to write poetry and I didn't have a clue how its "proper" structure should be. Just free write and see where it goes! ;) Hah, I can totally tell by how you celebrated the end of the year that you're a craaaayzay party girl, lol. I spent it mostly the same way too. <3
You are awesome! Loved the Vlog and know I expect one at least twice a week on any random topic. Now you will not however get to see me doing this anytime soon, not sure I have enough ego left to take what people would say. Have a great New Year!
LOL! First time I've seen my book on a vlog :-) And you pronounced my name correctly! I hope you enjoy it.
I love your vlog, Ceri! It's so great to be able to meet you in person, even if it's only online. ;)
Happy reading!
Naida - Hehe, don't worry. A lot of people outside Wales can't pronounce it. I was born in England even the hospital I was born in couldn't say it!
Vivienne - Thanks :) I'd love to see you on a vlog - Go for it!
Amanda - Hehe, Yup, was thinking of you!
Michelle - Hehe, yup. I'm a poser! :P Sounds like a fun New Year's :D hehe
Penguin - I have yet to read The Host. TBH, I haven't read the fourth Twilight book yet either but I've heard The Host is completely different. Maybe I'll give it a try. You never know.
Ryan - Twice a week? Yikes! I don't think I could take editing vids of myself that often. ;-) I'd *love* to see you in a vlog though!
Lauren - Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad I pronounced it right. :D Can't wait to read your book!
Mel - Thanks hunni. :D
LOVE your vlog, you look cute :)
Love your books too, what a wondeful loot. Like the bit at the end :)
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