Thursday, 25 February 2010

. . .

So once again I am speechless.

Except to say, you know how annoying it is when really irritating money-grabbing film producers with no real artistic merit decide to remake classics that don't actually need remaking?



serendipity_viv said...

I definitely don't want to read this one!

Lauren said...

I have to disagree on this. Not about the money-grabbing, I'm not that naive or anything... but about this being annoying. I think it sounds kind of fun.

Admittedly, I have never read one of these literary mash-ups and the general consensus seems to be that they're interesting for about ten pages and then they suck. But I think I could enjoy those ten pages.

Charlie said...

I think I'll stick to the original. The ideas are fun but is there really a need to do something like that to another's work, especially when they can't say anything against it...

Amanda said...

I have to say this one doesn't sound interesting. It sounds like a copy of all the other things out there like this. I'm kind of tired of it. It was clever once, maybe twice, but four times? No.

Michelle said...

Absolutely, whole-heartedly agree. I have never had any desire to read this latest fad of mash-ups. To defile such classics seems inhuman.

Ryan said...

I have to admit I'm a sucker for this stuff and since I'm not a big fan of Little Women I may actually like this one better.

Violet said...

I would have been ok with this had I not read Pride and Prejudice and zombies. Now it just makes me say ewww...

The Bookworm said...

yeah, I wouldnt read this one. Enough is enough.

Eva said...

This whole trend annoys me to no end. And I'm really offended that other people are making money off of classic authors. Hmph.

kay - Infinite Shelf said...

When Pride and Prejudice and Zombies came out, I was excited and though it was such an original, funny idea! I was looking forward to read the book. Since then, there have been so many of those that it just makes me crazy. Can't wait for this trend to be over!

Ceri said...

Vivienne - Ditto!

Lauren - I applaud your optimism. :) If you do decide to read it, I'll look forward to hearing what you think.

Charlie - I agree. I love the original story. That's enough for me.

Amanda - I agree. I thought the idea of 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' was a little silly but interesting nonetheless. Now the idea's getting old and stupid.

Michelle - Totally agree.

Ryan - Yeah. Maybe the idea of it is to get non-fans of the classics reading. If you do decide to read this, I'll look forward to your review. ;-)

Violet - Haha! Yeah, I never actually found a review for P&P&Z that said it was AMAZING. They all seemed to have a consensual "meh" about it.

Naida - Agreed!

Eva - Exactly! People are making money off someone else's idea. Yes, the original author's being credited, but they're not around anymore to realise it.

Kay - I agree. It's getting really old now.